The artist, Johannes Traub, in his Atelier, adding finishing touches to one of his famous trooper paintings.

Johannes Traub

born October 1964

Born in Hall, Germany he has been working as a qualified freelance painter and sculptor since 1995.

He studied at the Burg Giebichstein University of Art and Design under Professor Bernd Göbel, Professor Otto Möhwald and Professor Roland Paris.

Johannes Traub is one of the most prominent representatives of contemporary art in Germany and has worked on several projects and reconstructions of monuments and memorials.

His unmistakable architectural and landscape paintings with their highly atmospheric suggestiveness and dramatic colouring as well as large-format figure paintings are at the centre of his oeuvre. At first glance, his oeuvre appears to move within the boundaries of classical pictorial genres, which the painter simultaneously expands beyond the traditions of post-war modernist paintings in Halle.